We deliver smart insurance and benefits solutions for business owners, taxable estates, and high-income earners.
Business OwnersYour business is likely the most valuable asset you own and it's worth protecting its value. With insurance, you can "buy time" if you or your key employee dies or becomes disabled. You can also fund a buy-sell plan, providing tax-free funds to the surviving owner(s) to buy out the deceased or disabled owner. And to attract and retain top talent, you can offer well-designed workplace benefits, including those designed exclusively for your key employees.
Taxable EstatesLife insurance is a highly tax-efficient and cost-effective tool to provide cash to your heirs to pay estate tax. This is especially true if most of your assets can't be readily converted to cash. If your estate owes tax, and there isn't enough cash to pay estate tax, how will your heirs come up with cash? Well, they might end up being forced to sell your (hard-earned) assets at a deep discount. So, if you are rich but cash-poor, you've got some planning to do.
High-Income EarnersWhether or not you'll achieve your goals and dreams is predicated largely on one thing: your ability to earn income. If you die too soon (or live too long!) or become too sick to work, your plan will likely go out the window. It's actually quite simple. If you have no income, your plan is derailed. Fortunately, you can shift a lot of these risks to insurance companies. It's for this very purpose they exist–to assume such risks and absorb losses on your behalf.
Insurance and benefits planning is often a complex, multi-layered endeavor that requires knowledge and experience in other disciplines like tax, law insurance, accounting, banking, and other specialties. Since we don't provide legal, accounting or tax advice, we often work with your tax or legal advisors on issues related to your tax and/or estate planning, and coordinate the activities of these advisors. At any rate, you should always consult your tax or legal advisors before taking any action that may have tax consequences.